Dragomir Sholev

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Dragomir Sholev was born on 21 July 1977 in Russe, Bulgaria. Dragomir Sholev graduated in 2007 from the Bulgarian National Academy of Theatre and Film Arts in both Animation and Film directing. Director of over 450 commercial and music videos. His short film Before Life, After Death won Jameson short film award for best Bulgarian short film on 9 Sofia International Film Festival. His feature debut, "Shelter" (2010), co-written with Razvan Radulescu and Melissa de Raaf, had its WP in San Sebastian IFF (Zabaltegi New Directors), was selected to more than 70 film festivals around the world, received many awards. Considered by critics and film fans as a Bulgarian "cult film", it is still screened at home and abroad, especially to younger audiences. Other titles include "The Pig" (2019) and "Fishbone" (2021).


Bulgarian: native-language

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