Ilian Metev

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Ilian Metev grew up between Bulgaria and Germany, pursuing a career as a classical violinist. In 2008, he graduated from the National Film and Television School in the UK. His first feature "Sofia's Last Ambulance" (2012) is a close-up portrait of three Bulgarian medics at work. The film premiered at the Critics' Week at the Cannes Film Festival 2012 where it was nominated for the "Camera d'Or" and won the "Visionary Award". His second feature "3/4" (2017), a family story, premiered at Festival Locarno where it received the "Golden Leopard" (cineasti del presente). Ilian's work has been broadcasted and theatrically released in numerous countries. It was showcased at the Museum of Modern Art in New York and honoured with 45 awards.


Bulgarian: native-language
Directors, Directors of photography, Producers

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