Ketty Marinova

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Ketty Marinova is a Bulgarian production designer working in the fields of TV , video , theater and
performance. Her work varies from commercials, music videos, through well-known TV formats (such as the X-Factor Bulgaria), short films and includes experimental theater pieces and interactive performances.

She studied Set and Costume Design in the National Academy of Arts in Sofia, Bulgaria and the L'École Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Montpellier.

Part of her clients as production designer for TV commercials are SBK, Yettel, Technopolis, LIDL, Kaufland, Winbet, Palmsbet, Avon, Raffy, Nescafe and many more.

Also important is her work as a designer for TV – Global Films ltd, producing formats such as the “X-Factor Bulgaria” and “ Your Face Sounds Familiar”.
Music and film festivals have also commissioned her event design, for instance the Sofia International Film Festival.

Her work related to theater and performance includes "Active substance" (2021) Derida Stage, "On Voluntary Servitude " (2020), Mourning Diary" (2019) "Me for You" (2019) “LOW COST” (2017) and others.

She's been working on several international projects the last few years - as part of the exhibition team in Prague Quadrianale 2019 (the most significant Scenography and Theater design related event in Europe), as a scenographer in Jaunos Teatros Dienos (2019 and 2021) in Klaipeda, Lithuenia and also in SZFERA 2019 in Targu Mures, Romania.


Bulgarian: native-language
Concept artists (production design)

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